New procedure at Maury Regional aids women with pelvic organ prolapse


COLUMBIA, Tenn. — A new minimally invasive procedure performed at Maury Regional Medical Center (MRMC) is available to help women experiencing pelvic organ prolapse.

Troy R. Larson, MD, a specialist in urology and robotic surgery with Maury Regional Medical Group (MRMG) Urology, performed the first sacrocolpopexy procedure aided by the robotic da Vinci Xi Surgical System at MRMC in March. The minimally invasive surgery is performed to repair pelvic organ prolapse, which occurs when a female’s organs in the pelvis slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina.

“This minimally invasive procedure is a great option for those experiencing pelvic organ prolapse, and we’re thrilled we can offer it to our patients,” Dr. Larson said. “If you’re experiencing symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, contact your physician. They can help you determine if sacrocolpopexy is your best option.”

Pelvic organ prolapse generally happens when the group of muscles and tissues that hold the pelvic organs in place weaken, causing the organs to slip down. It’s oftentimes caused by pregnancy or childbirth, going through menopause, having a hysterectomy, being overweight, consistent heavy lifting or long-term constipation, coughing or straining.

Some symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse include fullness or pressure in the vagina; a bulge in the vagina or tissue bulging out from the vagina; leaking urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh; sudden urges to urinate; constipation; or pain with sexual intercourse.

Sacrocolpopexy is commonly an outpatient procedure. The patient is placed under general anesthesia while the surgeon makes small incisions in the lower abdomen and uses robotic technology to guide small tools and a tiny camera. A graft of tissue or synthetic mesh is stitched onto the pelvic organs that have prolapsed and attached to the bony area at the lower part of the spinal column to hold the organs in place.

“The procedure is minimally invasive, and the da Vinci Xi Surgical System technology allows us to be more deliberate and precise with everything that we do,” Dr. Larson said. “That can help with faster recovery times after the procedure.”

Dr. Larson is one of a dozen specialists in robotic surgery at MRMC who are trained to utilize the da Vinci Xi Surgical System, the fourth and latest generation of the da Vinci system. It is optimized for the areas of urology, gynecology, thoracic and general surgery.

For a full list of specialists in robotic surgery at MRMC who utilize the da Vinci Xi Surgical System, visit

Specialists at MRMG Urology treat men and women who are experiencing a range of conditions that affect the urological system. A physician’s referral is required to schedule an appointment.

For more information about urology services offered at Maury Regional Health, visit

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