Are you having trouble falling or staying asleep at night? Do you still feel tired upon waking? Is your quality of life suffering? These are some of the possible indications of insomnia.
Most physicians recommend adults average seven to eight hours of sleep per night. However, adults experiencing insomnia generally total much less than the preferred amount of sleep.
While it’s normal for adults to experience short-term insomnia from time to time — usually due to stress or a traumatic event — their sleep patterns should return to normal within a reasonable amount of time. Those individuals experiencing long-term (or chronic) insomnia, however, can suffer adverse health effects from insufficient sleep if their insomnia is not addressed.
Possible causes of chronic insomnia can include:
- Recurring stress
- Inconsistent travel or work schedule
- Poor sleep habits (e.g., sporadic sleep schedule, too much screen time before bed)
- Smoking and caffeine or alcohol consumption late in the afternoon or evening
- Anxiety
- Certain medications
- Other sleep-related disorders
Forming positive and consistent sleep habits in addition to talking with your doctor can help to prevent and reduce insomnia.
Sleep studies
Sleep studies assist in diagnosing a variety of conditions and disorders, including sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome and sleepwalking.
Maury Regional Health conducts sleep studies with physican referral at locations in Columbia, Lawnrenceburg, Lewisburg and Waynesboro. Call 931.490.REST (7378) or visit MauryRegional.com/Sleep-Centers for more information.