Breastfeeding and Lactation Services
Welcoming your new baby into the world is an exciting and emotional time. As a new parent preparing to bring home your little one, we know there are several things on your mind — including breastfeeding.
Breastmilk has significant nutritional value and helps to create immediate bonding between mothers and babies. Babies who are breastfed have reduced rates for asthma, obesity, type 2 diabetes, ear and respiratory infections, sudden infant death syndrome and gastrointestinal infections. Breastfeeding can also lower mothers’ risk for high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and breast or ovarian cancer.
Maury Regional Medical Center offers lactation services that provide extensive breastfeeding education and support for our mothers.
As a result of our commitment to helping new mothers breastfeed, Maury Regional has been recognized as a “BEST for Babies” birthing hospital for four consecutive years, most recently in 2023, by the Tennessee Department of Health and Tennessee Hospital Association. This award signifies that Maury Regional offers breastfeeding mothers the information, confidence and skills needed to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding their babies.
During Pregnancy
To assist you in preparing for breastfeeding, we offer:
In-Hospital Care
While you are in our care, we will provide:
- Education and breastfeeding assistance from highly trained nursing staff
- Assistance from board-certified lactation consultants who are staffed five days per week and at least one weekend day per week
After Hospital Discharge
Our support doesn't end once you go home. Services after discharge include:
- Outpatient lactation appointments if mother or baby is having any feeding difficulties
- Hospital-grade breast pump rentals
To schedule an appointment with a lactation consultant, call 931.490.7074.
if breastfeeding is not an option
Maury Regional Medical Center encourages new mothers to breastfeed if they are physically able but recognizes that some women are unable to do so due to medical reasons or outside factors. If this is the case, talk to your OB-GYN or a lactation specialist (931.490.7074) for more information about recommended healthy alternatives.
Human Donor Milk
Human milk contains antibodies that help infants fight disease and infection while protecting against allergies. Maury Regional Medical Center partners with Mothers’ Milk Bank of Tennessee to offer pasteurized human donor milk that can be used on an inpatient basis in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and/or as an option for new mothers who are unable to breastfeed during their hospital stay.
Donor milk is donated voluntarily by breastfeeding women who have a surplus of milk. To donate, each individual must meet strict standards and complete a thorough screening process. The donated milk is then pasteurized, frozen and stored at milk bank sites in the U.S. For more information about the donation process, click here.
The decision of whether to use donor milk should be made in consultation with your baby’s health care provider. For more information about donor milk, consult with your child’s doctor, contact our Lactation Services Department at 931.490.7074 or visit milkbanktn.org.
nationwide Formula Shortage
There's nothing as important to families as the health and safety of their babies, and the current nationwide formula shortage has left many people feeling anxious about how they'll feed them. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has shared resources for families during the formula shortage that can be accessed at hhs.gov/formula.
Mothers' Milk Donations
Maury Regional Medical Center is pleased to serve as a Milk Bank Depot for donated breast milk to support premature infants. Milk that is donated through the Milk Bank Depot is processed by the Mothers’ Milk Bank of Tennessee.
Mothers who would like to donate breast milk must log on to Mothers' Milk Bank of Tennessee and complete four simple registration steps:
- Complete an online form
- Complete a 10-15 minute phone screening
- Complete and return an informational packet
- Have a blood test done at no cost
Following review of paperwork and lab results, mothers will be called with their approval status. Once approved, mothers will receive the supplies needed to package their milk donations. Before dropping off milk, mothers should schedule a donation appointment by calling the Lactation Services Department at 931.490.7074.
Mothers can donate milk if they are currently lactating and have surplus milk and if they are:
- In good general health
- Willing to undergo a blood test at no charge
- Not using medication or herbal supplements (with a few exceptions)
- Nursing an infant who is less than one year of age (bereaved or surrogate mothers are also eligible to donate)
- Able to arrange for transportation of milk to a drop-off location.
For more information about donating breast milk, call the Lactation Services Department at 931.490.7074 or visit MilkBankTN.org.