Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP)

Civil money penalties are imposed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), in certain cases, when nursing homes do not meet the Medicare/Medicaid Requirements for Participation, specific provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Act provides that collected CMP funds must be used to support activities that benefit residents, including assistance to support and protect residents of a facility that closes or is decertified, projects that support resident and family councils and other consumer involvement in assuring quality care in facilities, and other nursing facility improvement initiatives such as joint training of facility staff and surveyors, technical assistance for facilities implementing quality assurance programs, or the appointment of temporary management.

Civil Monetary Penalty-Quality Improvement Grant - Reinvestment of CMP funds

Projects considered for this funding opportunity must directly benefit nursing home residents. Implementation tasks will vary, but could include:

  • Active resident, family and provider engagement, including training, education and outreach
  • Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement initiatives
  • Active Ombudsman, consumer and resident representative engagement
  • Testing and evaluating resident specific approaches involving person-centered dementia care, including, for example, consistent staff assignments

Applicants must consider current CMP state activities and other partnership activities being implemented and clearly articulate how this activity will enhance and build on - not supplant current activities and be implemented with a regional and/or national scope. When CMP funds are requested for educational purposes, the organization involved must also include the following:

  • Anticipated number of attendees
  • Target audience
  • Timeline for implementation and plan and sustainability

I.P.A.S.R.R Initiative

Maury Regional Health was awarded the Civil Monetary Penalty funds from CMS, which will be used to reduce hospital readmissions through the collaboration with the Post-Acute Care Network (PACN) to provide an iterative infection prevention education and antimicrobial stewardship while using innovative virtual tools to enable a rapid response team to consult SNF staff when they first observe patients deterioration.

Infection Prevention

By utilizing a post-acute education coordinator, MRH will supplement education in infection prevention and control needed to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases in all health care settings. Infection prevention and control demands a basic understanding of the disease; risk factors that increase patient susceptibility to infection; and the practices, procedures and treatments that may result in infections.

Antimicrobial Stewardship

A clinical pharmacist will guide and consult on antimicrobial stewardship in a coordinated program that will promote the appropriate use of antimicrobial (including antibiotics), improves patient outcomes, reduces microbial resistance, and decreases the spread of infections caused by multi-drug-resistant organisms. This can improve patient outcomes, save money, reduce resistance and help prevent negative consequences.

Rapid Response

MRH has developed a nurse driven, non-traditional response model. The team will be tailored to meet the needs of the skilled nursing facilities (SNF) by using critical care nursing expertise to assess and triage patient cases. The Rapid Response Team would provide consultations through virtual technology, allowing for early interventions at the onset of clinical decline. The primary objective is to improve quality and access of care to critical care services, reducing costs and frequency of transfers and increase collaboration among Maury and SNF clinical staff.