Effective 1/15

You have a right to reasonable access to medical care in a safe setting. We will treat you without regard to your race, color, national origin, ethnicity, culture, language, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, financial status, or ability to pay.

You have the right to compassionate care,
including the right to:

  • Be safe from abuse, harassment, neglect, and exploitation.
  • Have your pain managed appropriately.
  • Have your doctor and a friend or family member told that you are in the hospital.
  • Be free from being restrained or secluded, unless needed for your care.
  • Keep and wear your clothing or cultural or religious items as long as doing this doesn’t interfere with your treatment.
  • Know the names of the people caring for you, what they do, and who they work for.
  • Effective communication appropriate to age, language, and ability to understand.
  • Have an interpreter at no cost, if you need one.
  • Have an assistive (service) animal or aid, if you need one.
  • See your bills and have them explained to you. You may also request information about payment plans and financial assistance.
  • Talk with other doctors or request a second opinion.
  • Have your complaints handled fairly. Your care will not be affected if you share any complaints or concerns with us.

You have the right to privacy,
including the right to:

  • Be examined in as private an area as possible.
  • Have someone of your own sex with you when you are examined.
  • Have your medical information kept private, as provided by law.
  • Not have any photos or videos taken of you unless you agree to this, except as needed to treat you.

You have the right to be involved in all aspects of your care,
including the right to:

  • Know what your health problem is and what this might mean for you.
  • Share in decisions about your care, treatment plan, discharge plan, and/or pain management plan; including getting information in a way that you can understand.
  • Involve a family member or patient representative in decisions about your care (as far as the law allows).
  • Be told what you can expect from your treatment, its risks and benefits, other choices you may have, and what might happen if you are not treated at all.
  • Be informed about the outcomes of your care, including unanticipated outcomes.
  • Access information in your medical record within a reasonable amount of time.
  • Receive information about or develop your Advance Directives, including decisions about care, treatment, and services received at the end of life.
  • Have your wishes followed with respect to Advance Directives (advance care plans, living will, or durable power of attorney for health care), or organ donation, if known.
  • Meet with a chaplain or request other spiritual counseling for you or your family.
  • Meet with an Ethics Committee representative or advocate to talk about ethical issues and policies that may affect your care.
  • Refuse tests or treatment (as far as the law allows) and to be told what might happen if you refuse care.
  • Leave the hospital (as far as the law allows) even if advised against it. If this happens, we will not be responsible for any medical issues that may result.
  • Be involved in research, but only if you agree to this. Your care will not be affected if you refuse to participate in a research project.
  • Be given information about your discharge plan and any ongoing care you may need after you leave the hospital.
  • Have a support person of your choice with you in the hospital or clinic exam room, unless the presence of that person interferes with your care or other patients’ care.
  • Receive support in accessing protective or advocacy services, when required.
  • Receive visitors according to your wishes and without discrimination; and, to be informed when clinically necessary and/or reasonable limitations on visitation are made to support your care and/or the care of other patients.
  • Private and unrestricted communication including visitors, mail, and telephone calls, unless restrictions are part of your treatment. Any restrictions will be explained to you and will be assessed for therapeutic effectiveness.

To keep you safe, we encourage you to become actively involved in your care by:

  • Confirming to us which part of your body will be operated on.
  • Reminding us to check your ID band before we give you medicine or blood.
  • Making sure we wash or gel/foam our hands before caring for you.
  • Checking for our ID badge.
  • Asking questions.
  • Knowing what medications you are taking and why.

It is your responsibility to:

  • Give us truthful and complete information about your current state of health, health history, medicines, and insurance.
  • Ask questions you may have about your treatment and what you need to do to take care of yourself.
  • Follow your plan for treatment.
  • Give us a copy of any documents addressing health care decisions, including but not limited to: Advance Directives (advance care plans, health care agent, living will, durable power of attorney for health care, physician orders for scope of treatment – POST), organ donor, conservatorship, or legal guardianship forms you may have.
  • Follow all hospital and clinic rules, including the “no smoking” policy.
  • Respect other patients, visitors, staff, physicians, and property.
  • Tell us if you are concerned about or notice any changes in your condition.
  • Make sure your bills are paid, or seek financial assistance.
  • Go to all of your appointments.
  • Let us know if you are concerned about your privacy.

If you have concerns or complaints:

  • Contact the Patient Advocate directly, or in writing at:
    Maury Regional Medical Center
    Attn: Patient Advocate
    1224 Trotwood Avenue
    Columbia, TN 38401
    931.381.1111 ext. 4884
  • You may contact The Joint Commission at 630.792.5800, or 
  • You may contact the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman at 1.800.MEDICARE; or medicare-rights/get-help/ombudsman.html
  • Or, you may contact the Tennessee Department of Health at:
    State of Tennessee Department of Health
    Division of Health Care Facilities
    Centralized Complaint Intake Unit
    665 Mainstream Drive
    Second Floor
    Nashville, TN 37243


Revision 1-2015

This information is available in Spanish upon request.
Solicite la versión en español de esta información.)